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2021 New Beers
Happy New Year!!?
2021 is already proving to be an interesting one isn’t it? A lot has happened in the last few weeks and none of it very pleasing, but luckily we’re not here to talk about any of that. We’ll just stick to what we do – beer.
The wheels of the brew house continue to turn. In fact we’re launching 2 new beers in can this week!!
We have a Small IPA – Secret Sunrise being canned right now (Monday 25th Jan) and a Red Session IPA – Two Storm by the end of the week. Look out for these little gems. Secret Sunrise will be available on our web-shop from Tuesday 26th.
We’re continuing with home deliveries, free of charge within 5 miles of the brewery. Nationwide deliveries are also free over £50.
Wishing you well as we all muddle through 🙂
Team PB